Easy DIY Homemade Natural Lip Balm Recipe
Today I am going to share with you my super easy homemade natural lip balm recipe I’ve been making for over seven years. It is seriously the best! This easy DIY project will have you making your own all natural lip balm in just a few minutes. This recipe is a lip balm moisturizer that works wonders on my lips during our cold, dry Montana winters. And the best part? It can be made with three simple ingredients in five easy steps!
Here’s a confession for you: I’m a lip balm addict. I have been for as long as I can remember. Then one day about eight years ago I started reading the ingredients in my store bought lip balm. I couldn’t pronounce most of the ingredients and was shocked I was putting this stuff on my lips day after day. Yikes!
After that realization, I told myself I had to figure out how to make my own homemade lip balm. I ventured into figuring out how to make all natural lip balm. I was amazed at how easy it was! It also helps to save money because making your own natural lip balm at home costs a fraction of the price to buy it at the store. This cost is even lower if you reuse old lip balm tubes or tins instead of purchasing new ones (obviously I use new tubes and tins when gifting or selling lip balm!)
I’ve seen a lot of lip balm recipes online that call for ingredients that the average person does not have at home. While ingredients like jojoba oil and avocado oil are probably quite lovely for your skin, I never have them on hand and don’t have the time or money to drive into town trying to find them or order them online. I also save money by making homemade lip balm with beeswax I render from our own beehives.
I experimented with several homemade lip balm recipes and came up with this super easy, skin moisturizing recipe for the best DIY homemade natural lip balm. I’ve been making it for over seven years and I LOVE it! We also sell our homemade lip balm in our Etsy shop and have received a lot of positive feedback from folks who love our all natural lip balm.
This lip balm is made with homemade herbal infused oil. Infused oil is easy to make and is especially fun when you have homegrown herbs to use like lavender, chamomile, calendula, rose, etc. The options are endless!
Easy DIY Natural Lip Balm Recipe
This recipe makes approximately seven standard size lip balm tubes.
1. Sit the lip balm tubes upright on top of a flat covered surface (I typically use an old magazine or newspaper on the kitchen counter).
2. Break the beeswax into pieces or grate it (this helps it to melt faster than one big chunk of wax)3. Place the beeswax and oils in a double boiler. Heat on low/medium heat until the wax is all melted. Stir to ensure the wax and oils are mixed well.
4. Pour the liquid into the lip balm tubes or tins. I prefer to put the liquid in a large glass measuring cup with a pour spout for easy lip balm tube filling. Fill the tubes to the very top, if a little runs out the top that is fine. Don’t try to wipe it off now, wait until it dries and it should easily wipe off the tube.5. Allow the the lip balm to cool and harden. This takes about an hour or two. Once the lip balm is hardened, wipe down the tubes with a dry cloth to remove any overflowed wax. Place the caps on and they’re ready to use.
See, wasn’t that simple? Using this easy DIY natural lip balm recipe is a great way to start saving money and making your own homemade lip balm!
What is your favorite herb-infusion for the lip balm? I am over at the top of the Idaho panhandle area and have similar weather “issues”. Thank you!
My all time favorite is lavender infused oil since I really love the scent of lavender. My second favorite is a tie between calendula and chamomile. These all grow well in our garden here in Montana
Thanks so much for the lip balm recipe. I am a new beekeeper and delighted to make this lip balm for friends. I have a question- do you have trouble with the honey separating from the coconut oil? My 2nd batch, I used clear containers, and some of them look like straight honey. Thx again!!!
Hello.. I love your idea and ingredients… 🙂 I just want to know how long I can keep this? I mean the expiration date? 🙂 Thank you for the answer