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Introducing the Chicken Wrangler

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I’m so excited to be writing this post today and getting to introduce our newest author on Montana Homesteader: “Chicken Wrangler”. If you’ve been reading our blog for a while or read our About page, you may otherwise know her as “Little A” or “Big Sister”. Yes that’s right, Chicken Wrangler is my eleven year old!

She picked the name “Chicken Wrangler” as her pen name for writing here. She was a baby when I started this blog years ago so it makes me so happy she is joining in sharing about life on our little Montana homestead!

child learning how to be a beekeeper and using the smoker to smoke hives
Our new writer, “Chicken Wrangler” could also be called “Honey Bee Whisperer”!

We love to homeschool, but sometimes things get a little monotonous. Or if we get sick like we did a couple times since last fall, our homeschool rhythm gets derailed.

A lot of our homeschooling focuses on real-life learning around the homestead like hatching chicks in the incubator, tapping trees to make syrup, beekeeping, and cooking/baking from scratch.

There are some basics I strive to ensure my kids know, you know the good old “Reading, writing and arithmetic.” My eleven year old is a voracious reader (which is no surprise since I’m a total book worm too!) so that’s not a struggle.

We try to make arithmetic fun with games that involve math like “Horse-Opoloy“, the perfect game for horse loving kids! My eleven year old also has a budget chart to keep track of income/expenses for the animals on the homestead.

My kids have various pen pals they write to but we wanted to expand their writing into other real-life writing opportunities to keep them engaged and continue to fuel their love of learning.

Then I woke up one morning last week with a brilliant idea: My eleven year old could start writing blog posts! I proposed the idea to her and she was ecstatic. Since then she’s spent several hours with her fingers flying over the computer keyboard writing out posts for the blog.

We’ve had great conversations about the mechanics of writing, how to write for a blog format and audience. We’ve even delved into the concepts of SEO (Search Engine Optimization),marketing and photography.

This has been such a fun project in our homeschool! Even as I write this now, I can hear my eleven year old in the other room tapping away on the computer with her latest idea for a blog post.

Stay tuned since very soon you will see the first post published by “Chicken Wrangler” I hope you all enjoy her posts about life on the homestead, DIY projects and funny antics that keep us all entertained!

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  1. Can’t wait to read her first blog and I think it’s a wonderful idea. I’ve been trying to get my followers to keep a journal of their daily routine but not sure if it’s took yet! Love yours!!

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