
Natural Remedy for the Common Cold

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Apple cider vinegar and honey is my favorite go-to natural home remedy for a common cold.  When I feel like I am starting to get cold symptoms, I simply drink a cup or two of this throughout the day. It is amazing how these two common ingredients in my kitchen can work wonders in a body to fight off a cold and keep me healthy!

natural remedy for the common cold with apple cider vinegar and honey | Montana Homesteader

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made by fermenting pieces of apple until it turns from alcohol into a vinegar full of healthy microorganisms. Have you ever looked at a bottle of unfiltered ACV and noticed what looks like bits of slime floating in it? I’ll admit that years ago before I knew what that was, I thought my ACV went bad and threw it out (that’s actually a bit embarrassing to admit!) If only I had known then what I know now.

That slime is actually called the “Mother” of the vinegar. Apple cider vinegar with the “Mother” floating in the bottle is actually the best kind of ACV you can buy. It means your ACV is all natural, unfiltered and full of healthy amino acids, acetic acid and potassium. Our two favorite brands of ACV are this one and this one.

Health Benefits of Raw Honey

Raw honey means the honey has not been pasteurized or heated to kill off the healthy nutrients. Honey is full of natural anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. It is touted to be anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.

After reading this article on the prevalence of diluted, impure honey showing up on grocery store shelves I realized just how important it is to make sure you are buying real, raw honey. The best way to ensure this? Buy it local directly from the beekeeper!

The ACV and Honey Cold Remedy Recipe

This recipe is quite simple to make and can be whipped up in just a few minutes. I love how the sweetness of the honey balances the tart flavor of the vinegar to make a zippy beverage even my toddler will drink!

  • 1 TBS apple cider vinegar
  • 1 TBS raw honey
  • 1 cup of warm water

Mix the ACV and honey in the cup of warm water and drink to your health. See, I told you it was easy!

Apple cider vinegar and honey is a natural folk remedy that has been around for hundreds of years. For me, it is a cure for the common cold. It is simple, natural, low-cost and easy to make.  No wonder it is my go-to natural home remedy for the common cold!

If you’re curious about the other health benefits and uses of Apple Cider Vinegar, you might want to check out this book all about “the miracle health benefits” of ACV! 

apple cider vinegar and honey natural cold buster remedy cure for common cold

February 2016 update: We learned how to make homemade fermented apple cider vinegar to use in our all natural cold remedy. Apple cider vinegar is so easy to make, learn how to make ACV in this post! 

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  1. We are extremely fond of vinegar for so many things! You are right about all of the health benefits too. My daughter, who is 6, has her very own bottle of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar that she sips off of through out her days 🙂
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for this… I don’t have cold right now, but I have often wondered how to mix it. I am sure I WILL get a cold before the season is over, so I have made myself a note. Clearly, I still have much to learn!

  3. This is such a great mixture that I started mixing ACV and honey by the quart, much less fiddly than having to get out both ingredients each time. I keep a small jar on the counter, and have a shot of it in herb tea or hot water regularly. A lot of herbal teas are compatible with the flavors.

    By all means, make your own ACV. Once you do, you’ll be hooked for life. I save the bottles from purchased organic vinegar, and re-use them.

        1. Cheryll, usually if I’m not feeling well I try to drink it as often as I can in addition to drinking warm herbal tea with honey in it. For me that usually ends up being a couple times throughout the day.

  4. I have three or four apples sitting on my counter that have gone soft. I was debating feeding them to the cows. I think I just found my next project, Apple Cider Vinegar, so I can have some on hand to try this. Thank you.

  5. Apple cider vinegar really is a life-saver! I’ve Bragg ACV numerous times for this exact reason and I swear it helps 🙂

    I’ve recently started a blog party focused on wholefood drink recipes (including home remedies like this one) and I would love if you would like to link up in the future. It’s runs every Sunday and is called the Weekend Wholefood Blender Party to promote smoothies, juices, herbal teas, fermented beverages and home remedies. Have a fabulous week, love your blog and thanks for posting this amazing home remedy!

  6. Love this: it’s so simple! I’m going to try it next time we get hit. We always have local raw honey in the house, and I’ve recently bought ACV from a local and biodynamic farm. Should be a power concoction.

    1. Your ACV from a local biodynamic farm sounds amazing, I wish we had a local source. I guess all the more reason for me to make my own one of these days!

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  9. I know this article is older, but I must share. I did this a few years back for all the wonderful benefits. I was probably drinking 2 cups daily. After a while (several weeks? months? not sure) and a dentist appointment. I was SHOCKED to find out I had 24 cavities! With the dentist help, decided it had to be the ACV and honey mixture as I did not do sweets, sodas, etc. So please brush your teeth after drinking this. As the dentist was fixing my teeth, he was amazed at the difference in the way the damaged looked compared to a normal cavity. I lost two teeth in the process of repair. Needless to say, I am now afraid of ACV and honey tea.

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