Online Resources for Garden Planning and Growing
It is cold and snowy outside so what better way to spend the day then planning a backyard vegetable garden! Winter is the perfect time to get started on garden planning for spring. Now is the time to read books and articles with tips on how to grown your own food. That way come spring you can jump right into gardening and be one step closer to growing your own food at home!
The spot we picked for our new garden was formerly a horse pasture. This past year it sat unused so my husband mowed it down to contain the weeds a bit and make it easier for us to start working on it in the spring. Right now it doesn’t look like much except a big patch of stubble covered in snow. Since we are starting from scratch we want to pick the best design and methods to maximize our harvest.
For the last few months I’ve been busy reading articles on garden planning. I’ve been taking notes on methods and tips to create the most sustainable, productive garden patch for the lowest cost possible. At our old house, we had a variety of small garden beds spread around our property but were limited by space in the methods we could use to garden. This year at our new homestead our space is much bigger and so are our garden plans!
Garden Planning and Growing Resources
There is a wealth of information out there on different modern and traditional methods to grow a productive vegetable garden at home: permaculture, hugelkulture, straw bale gardening, lasagna gardening, and the list goes on. Then there are decisions about greenhouses versus hoop houses, raised beds versus in ground beds. Let’s not forget about seed selection, soil prep and pests. How do you ever decide what are the best options for your situation? Educate yourself!
The following is a list of online garden planning and growing resources. In this list you will find links to Pinterest boards bursting with articles on anything and everything gardening. You can follow them or simply peruse and re-pin your favorites. There is also a list of homesteading blogs with links directly to the gardening categories on each individual blog. Yet another treasure trove of information about garden planning and growing!
Gardening Pinterest Boards
- Montana Homesteader: Gardening
- The Homestead Bloggers Network: Vegetable Garden
- Off Grid Home: Garden & Greenhouse Setup
- Black Fox Homestead: How Does Your Garden Grow
- Homestead Lady: Dirt Under Your Nails
- The Homesteading Hippy: Gardening
- Survival at Home: Gardening
- Northern Homestead: Gardening
Gardening Blog Pages
- The Homestead Bloggers Network
- Homestead Chronicles
- The Free Range Life
- Growing Days
- Schneider Peeps gardening page and gardening posts
- Learning and Yearning
- Northern Homestead
- Survival at Home
- The Homesteading Hippy
- Better Hens and Gardens
- Runamuk Acres
In the next few months we will be sharing more about our garden planning, seed selection and starting seeds indoors. Even though it is cold and snowy outside today, spring is only a few short months away. Soon gardening season will be in full swing so start reading, researching and planning today!
Do you have a favorite online gardening resource? Please share in the comment section below!
This is such a valuable list of resources! Thanks for sharing. Pinning this for later 🙂
Amber –
And thank you for sharing your link 🙂
This is such a great gathering of resources! I shared this on my Google+ page in hopes others stop by and read 🙂 Thank you!
Thank you for sharing Caitlin!
thanks for sharing this! great list you put together!
Thanks for stopping by and checking it out!
Great list! Thank you!
What is that photo? Are those “cages” for tomatoes? That looks really cool!
Yes, those are low cost wood frames to hold up all the tomatoes. If I remember correctly, they were made from pallets. That photo was actually one I took at a community garden near our old house where they had some really creative, low cost ways to help the plants grow more vertical.
Oh I’m so getting the itch to get into my veggie garden! Thanks for sharing this post – there are some great blogs listed. (visiting from Simple Life Sunday hop)
~Taylor-Made Ranch~
Wolfe City, Texas
I’m totally getting the itch to garden too! I can’t wait until the ground thaws and we can get outside and start digging in the dirt!
Great list! I was surprised and elated to see Runamuk on there–yay! I think one of my favorite aspects of gardening is the planning–the dream and aspirations for the year ahead, the goals for improvements upon last year’s downfalls, etc. so exciting!
You have some great gardening posts so I’m glad you’re on the list so we can all learn from what you’ve shared 🙂
Great list. I pinned it on my Vegetable Garden board.
Thanks for pinning it Barb! Hopefully you will find some helpful gardening info in the list!
Awesome links and thanks for sharing! I found you on The backyard farming hop today. Excited to hear more about your garden. I just got my greenhouse finished yesterday. Spring is just around the corner here in Texas! -Carole @ GardenUp green
Oh I’m so jealous that you will be enjoying spring weather so soon! I remember when I lived in TX years ago just how long the gardening season was. Here in MT we’re lucky if we can get 3 months of frost free gardening!
Thanks for the great information! How very handy. I appreciate it!