40+ Pear Recipes
I mentioned in this post that we had an epic pear harvest this year from just one tree. With a couple hundred pounds of fresh organic pears to use, eating them plain got boring pretty fast! So what did I do? I asked some fellow bloggers to share some pear recipes and ways to preserve them. I also searched some of my favorite real food blogs for pear recipes. What we came up with was this amazing list of over 40 pear recipes!
Pear Recipes for Soups and Salads
Butternut Squash Pear Soup from Simply Living Simply
Pear and Brie Salad With Honey Champagne Vinaigrette from The Organic Kitchen
Greens with Asian Pears and Fig Maple Balsamic Vinaigrette from The Organic Kitchen
Greens with Warm Breaded Goat Cheese and Fig Basalmic from The Organic Kitchen
Pear Recipes for Main Dishes
Pear and Brie Grilled Cheese Sandwich from The Organic Kitchen
Fresh Pear, Fig Jam and Goat Cheese Pizza from Farm Fresh Feasts
Caramelized Onion, Fresh Pear, Goat Cheese and Sausage Pizza from Farm Fresh Feasts
Pork Chops with Pear Shallot Sauce from Gusty by Nature
Pear Recipes for Breakfast
Pear Pomegranate Nut Bowl from A Harmony Healing
Low and Slow Pear Butter Waffles from Farm Fresh Feasts
Green Smoothie: Banana, Pear, Pineapple and Spinach from Gnowfglins
Gingerbread Pancakes with Sauteed Pears from Live Simply
Gluten Free Pear Muffins (dairy free, nut free) from Homemade Dutch Apple Pie
Ginger Pear Muffins from Gnowfglins
Pear Recipes for Dessert
Slow Cooked Pears from Recipes to Nourish
Pear and Honey Goat Cheese Stack from Little Family Adventure
Rustic Pear Tart with Cream and Spice from The Prairie Homestead
Meyer Lemon Roasted Pears with Elderberry Glaze from Happy Healthnut
Pear Walnut Sourdough Coffee Cake from Farm Fresh Feasts
Ginger Pear Crisp from Gnowfglins
Warm Chinese Pears With Cinnamon and Nuts from Delicious Obsessions
Grilled Pears from It’s A Love Thing
Poached Pears Coconut Milk Ice Cream from Farm on Plate
Pear Pie from Reformation Acres
Gluten Free Pear Crisp from Homemade Dutch Apple Pie
Maple Roasted Pears from the Nourished Kitchen Cookbook from Kitchen Stewardship
Pear Crisp and Blackberry Sage Sauce from Herbal Academy of New England
Cranberry Pear Crisp from Naturally Loriel
Apples and Pears Sauteed in Butter from Nourished Kitchen
Pear Recipes for Sauces, Butters, Jam and Canning
Pear Apple Jam from Timber Creek Farm
Homemade Pear Jam from Chickadee Homestead
Homemade Pear Butter from Chickadee Homestead
Lacto-Fermented Pear Butter from Little Owl Crunchy Mama
Pearsauce from Homemade Dutch Apple Pie
Cranberry Pear Jam from Common Sense Homesteading
Canning Pears in Cinnamon Vanilla Syrup from Montana Homesteader
How to Can Pears without Sugar from The Prairie Homestead
Chunky Spiced Pear Jam from Gnowfglins
Pear Recipes for Beverages
How to Make Pear Wine from Common Sense Homesteading
Zingy Pear Juice from Sugar Free Glow
Pear Recipes for the Dehydrator
Spiced Pears- 3 Dehydrator Recipes from Pantry Paratus
How to dehydrate pears from Joybilee Farm
Homemade Dried Pears from Chickadee Homestead
What are your favorite pear recipes?
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