I was hoping to share about our plans to buy a new greenhouse this week but those plans have been put on hold for emergency flood control on our property. Over the last two weeks we had a couple heavy snowstorms. This left us with several feet of snow and some drifts pushing six feet deep around our property. Now the temperatures warmed up and it is starting to rain but the ground is still frozen. This results in water pooling up and forming small lakes all around the property.
Unfortunately our house sits on a low spot on the property and a lot of the water is slowly headed towards the house. We’ve been closely monitoring the water levels and trying to dig channels in the snow to direct water away from the house. We had planned to take a trip into town this week to buy a new greenhouse but saving our house from flooding is a bit more important!
The one positive thing in the whole flooding experience is noticing that the site we selected for our new garden space is not one of the low spots in the pasture. The part of the pasture where our new garden will be is slightly higher so the water does not pool up. At least there was one positive thing in this whole late winter flooding experience!
The co-hosts of the weekly Green Thumb Thursday link up are:
- The Homestead Bloggers Network
- Untrained Housewife
- Northern Homestead
- Homestead Lady
- Montana Homesteader
We bought a bunch of seeds a few weeks ago and our next step is figuring out our garden layout. I don’t know about you, but I always underestimate how much space to put between seeds and seedlings. I picked this week’s featured post A Crash Course in Garden Layouts from Modern Vintage Housewives because they shared some great tips on plant spacing, choosing plant types and where to plant them.
If you were the featured post this week, you were pinned to our Gardening Pinterest Board. Also be sure to grab the featured button below!
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